The effects of aging are inevitable and often the brow and forehead area show the first signs. The skin begins to lose its elasticity and the sun, wind and pull of gravity all affect the face. This results in frown lines, wrinkling across the forehead and an increasing heaviness of the eyebrows. Even people in their thirties may have faces that look older than their years. Others may mistake your appearance as tired, angry or sad when that is not how you actually feel. As a result, people are increasingly opting for a procedure known as the brow lift.
A brow lift:
Reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes
Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows
Raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids
Places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position
Based on variations in how men and women age and on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure. There are a couple of options for browlifting.
Open or Pretrichial Browlift
The Pretrichial brow lift requires an incision along the top of the forehead and not behind the hairline. Due to the forehead being slightly shortened, the hairline is lowered which is ideal for those with a high forehead. This procedure lifts everything from the hairline down to the eyebrows and can address eyebrow shape and asymmetry. The scar from the incision, once healed, is virtually undetectable. Following the procedure there will be some bruising and swelling.
Temporal or Limited Incision Browlift
A temporal brow lift involves shorter incisions than an open browlift and is most commonly performed in conjunction with eyelid surgery. Incisions about 1 inch long are made just above each temple, behind the hairline. Through these incisions, Dr. Jaggi will lift and reposition the tissues of the outer brow area.
Is Browlift Surgery Right for You?
The goal of browlift is to tighten excess loose skin, smooth forehead wrinkling and modify drooping brows. Dr. Jaggi approaches the aging face in a holistic manner. He may recommend a brow lift surgery to improve the look of the aging face. If necessary, Dr. Jaggi will remove part of the muscle that causes vertical frown lines between the brows. The result can be a smoother brow and a more youthful expression. One primary goal, in most patients, is to rejuvenate the eyes, making them look more rested and youthful.
Important factors to be discussed with Dr. Jaggi include:
Type of browlift surgery that is best for you
Skin type
Ethic background
Degree of skin elasticity
Individual healing rate
Realistic expectations for the surgeries
This procedure is usually done between age 40 and 65; it may be necessary at an earlier age.
Browlift Recovery
Pain: Pain is typically not a significant problem in brow lifts. There is, however, some discomfort and tightness from ear to ear across the top of their head and across the brow.
Drains: Drains are usually not needed in the brow area when doing a brow lift or even when used in combination with brow and face-lift.
Swelling: Maximum swelling occurs 48-72 hours post-surgery and begins to subside on the fourth or fifth post-operative day.
Bruising: Interestingly, bruising on a brow lift appears in the most dependent areas. As a result, any bleeding usually collects below the eyelids and bruises the lower lids...even if the lower lids are not operated upon. Bruising is usually maximized on the third to fifth day and resolves over 2-3 weeks.
Driving: You can resume driving when you are able to drive at the same level you were able to drive at pre-operatively...and this is your call. You’ve got to be able to brake and respond quickly, as well as quickly and easily turn to eliminate your blind spot. When these conditions are met you may resume driving...typically the second or third week post-surgery.
Social Return: Most patients feel very comfortable in returning to work (physically, anyway) a few days after an isolated brow lift. But socially is a different matter. You might have to keep your dance card clear for 2-3 weeks. The average patient can return to work within 10 days, with the help of a little make-up. There may be some (mild) residual bruising. If bruising is minimal, the return to work can be even earlier.
Numbness: Sensory nerves run close to and within the muscular layer that’s eliminated during a brow lift. As a result, some partial numbness may be present for several weeks post-surgery. Total numbness behind the incision in an open brow lift–whether in the hairline or a standard incision is done–will usually be present for 9-12 months post-surgery...slightly longer in rare instances.
Preparing For Your Surgery
Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding. Please arrange for a responsible adult to take you and pick you up from your surgery and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.